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The Live the Possibility Land Accelerator™

Are You Ready to Bring Your Dream Project To Life?

Get support with the right resources, a trusted team, and a proven strategy so you can step fully into your vision … to make your land project a reality.

Why do so many powerful visions for sustainable land projects go unrealized?

The best of intentions often flop around without some kind of structure.

You start with great intentions, but the size and scope of your vision for your land project often causes you to freeze when it’s time to commit to action.

Then you repeat that:

Start with good intentions and flounder around. Over and over again, until you begin to feel that this dream you've held for so long has become more of a fairy tale that you tell yourself, rather than a concept grounded in reality.

Many of us have an idea of what we want to create, have arrived at a point in life where we have the financial resources, and maybe have even taken the first step to visit some properties around Costa Rica …

… Maybe even mapping out some ideas on a Pinterest board or Unsplash collection.

Getting into touch with what this new reality could feel like.

But then we stop short of making any meaningful progress beyond this wishful thinking.

What’s the problem? Why do we struggle to activate our project?

There are a lot of reasons that I've seen projects stall out over my last 18 years doing this work in Costa Rica, but the most significant ones?

Lack of clarity, Lack of well-vetted resources, and no strategic plan for how to move things from idea to execution.

… The result?

Getting stuck in the story of “not being able to do this”, or “not being fully resourced” slowly erodes our capacity to hold a higher vision for ourselves and to live into that possibility.

Nobody feels good taking these actions, but it's a natural reaction to one simple truth.

What is that truth?

We get in our own way by not trusting ourselves to take the leap.

You might find yourself caught up in not knowing what practical steps are need to take the next step …

Or perhaps you’ve already kicked off your project, but are now feeling like you are caught in a “groundhog day” loop where you keep experiencing legal headaches, builder confusion, significant project delays, and an ever-expanding budget that you know is completely unsustainable if something doesn’t give.

You are tired, and you need some support.

Or maybe you know what exactly you are being called forward to create in the world, and yet you lack the focus and discipline to get the ball rolling … it all feels just out of reach.

In all three cases, there’s a “future you” who has already experienced the joy, abundance, and personal expansion that lies on the other side of courageously moving through your land project and facing all the uncertainty head-on.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive”
- Joseph Campbell

It’s time to Live the Possibility …

If you feel your land project is in danger of not becoming a reality due to lack of clarity or focus …

If you would like to use your precious time, energy, and financial resources more deliberately and effectively, all while executing a project plan designed to maximize positive impact in the world …

If you want to make a difference in the world, push the boundaries of social impact, and cultivate a regenerative community …

Then I invite you to join...

A sneak-peak at the transformation that awaits you inside The Land Accelerator™

You’ll achieve greater clarity and set new intentions for your land project

You’ll no longer be defined by your past struggles, but we’ll do the work to ground into what's real and balance that to your dream vision to find what's most in alignment, now.

Build unshakeable confidence

You’ll shed the self-doubt that often comes with having a huge dream. You’ll complete your 90 days in the Land Accelerator™, knowing you have a plan, and, more importantly, have the team and resources to fully support you in bringing your project to life.

Do the work with fierce determination

In the Land Accelerator™, you’ll be held to a higher standard than you may be used to holding yourself to, and I’ll keep you accountable to achieving great results in service to your project, and aligning with your life goals.

You’ll rest easy knowing you’ve got an airtight plan.

You’ll be provided with the winning strategies, tactics, and tools that have guaranteed our client’s success, delivered in a format that makes implementation smooth and problem free. You’ll be provided with budgets, templates, legal documents, financial plans, and a host of other resources designed to make your life easier and get your project moving. You’ll also gain access to our famous “black book” of Costa Rica resources that I’ve been cultivating over the past 18 years.

You’ll grow as a human, and experience higher levels of well-being.

Something that makes this experience a bit different than other possible solutions is that in the land accelerator, we care just as much about taking care of you, designing from a place of joy, fulfillment, ease, and flow, as well as ensuring that the plan you are implementing on is designed to be sustainable for you, and not lead to burnout - something I’ve seen a lot of ambitious entrepreneurs fall victim to.

Your Project Will Move From Dream Into Reality.

No more campfire talk at the latest retreat or “transformational experience”. Life is short, and you’ve waited long enough to make this real. Through your commitment to the process, your project will have the foundation it needs to come to life as we work together closely over the next 90 days.

Meet Your Advisor

Over the last 18 years in Costa Rica, I’ve consulted with major international hotel brands and was integral in helping Selina bring their retreat center model to life across Central America. I’ve also developed, owned, and operated my own center, where I produced unique transformational events that brought together many of the world’s top thought leaders in personal growth and wellness.

Through these experiences, I’ve found that my greatest passion is helping my clients connect with a powerful vision for their sustainable land project, and to bring it to life in a way that is both abundant and thriving.

It is through this collective work with my clients, that we are able to create a ripple of impact that touches the lives of many in a positive way.

Building a bridge for people to live their dream life.

“Ed has helped me find my dream property in Costa Rica and has aligned me with the right partners to design and build it.
It’s been a pleasure working with him! He is very knowledgeable & experienced with sourcing and developing properties in Costa Rica, especially with wellness concepts like mine. I am very grateful for his continued guidance and support”.
Dr. Elizabeth Goldspink
“The greatest element I have felt from working with Ed is the energy of support. Moving into a construction project is intimidating enough, much less in a foreign country. Having his kind and strong energy guiding and supporting me throughout the process has been invaluable.
I will definitely work with Ed again in the future on any and all projects that I am bringing to life here in Costa Rica. He has a strength of knowledge that grounds his work, and yet also levity and playfulness that allows the creativity to flow through him and see the bigger vision of how to maximize the capacities and enjoyment of the land. Truly a creative genius!”
Dr. Jesse Hanson
"You have brought a steady calm and grounded approach into my life. A walk don't run mentality. You ask the hard questions, ones that I may have avoided myself. You're upfront with no hidden agendas and you make me get to the core of what it is I truly want, and a mindful conscious roadmap based on contemplation, inquiry, and heart for me to patiently walk my way there. I am no longer in a rush, I am patiently walking my path in my process and at my pace."
Meghan Mann

Your 3-Part Journey to Achieve Greater Clarity, Design Your Strategy, & Build a Team to Bring Your Land Project in Costa Rica To Life …

Month 1: Vision Foundations


  • Get a GPS on Your Vision & Dreams: I’ll guide you through several practices, tools, and visualization exercises guaranteed to deliver clarity of vision and alignment of intention.
  • Full Reality Check: You’ll be steeped in possibility, but you will also get grounded by discussing the budget, project scope, readiness, and next steps to bridge today’s reality, with tomorrow’s vision.

  • Comparative Analysis: You'll gain a strong understanding of current market dynamics in Costa Rica which will serve you deeply in your project planning, and you’ll also further refine what makes your project a unique proposition.
  • Strategy Deck: You’ll further refine your vision into a presentation deck format to use internally with your team, or to attract potential investors. This is also an invaluable resource for kicking off conversations with architects, builders, buyers, etc. This will become the basis for a full set of project materials, and a business plan that includes concept, budget, and team resources.
  • Land Fundamentals: We’ll dive deeper into this during month 2, but here you’ll set the stage for all the most important criteria related to how your physical land relates to your overall project vision. This will serve you whether you are just beginning to look at the land, or already have acquired it. We’ll simply be addressing these conversations from an elevation that is appropriate for where you are in the process.
  • Critical Connections: If you are at a stage of your project where a specific action is required to stay on track, and on budget, we’ll prioritize these needs and support you in developing the right local relationships guaranteed to keep things moving forward smoothly.

Month 2: Deepen Your Strategy


  • Land Deep-Dive: We’ll review our progress from foundations, and go deeper into specific topics such as real-estate review, topography, and legal structures. We’ll make sure that there are no “gotchas”, as navigating the Costa Rican legal system around what you can and can’t do can oftentimes be quite complex for the uninitiated.
  • Preliminary Budget Development: You’ll be guided in completing a complete cost/budgeting workup, taking into consideration land prices, and any specific features or infrastructure requirements that are deemed necessary. We’ll ensure that your budget is aligned with your financial reality, to safeguard against overspending before you are too far along in the process. You’ll be guided in gathering all the necessary quotes and information for informed decision-making, and offered advice where alternative strategies, ideas, or concepts might be considered.
  • Explore Profitable Business Models: If you are looking to turn your land into an income-generating asset, you’ll be guided in reviewing several different business models and choosing the one that is the most appropriate for your project. You’ll be provided with a wealth of templates to aid you in decision-making, and financial forecasting.
  • Operational Best-Practices: With 18 years of experience in land acquisition, event planning, and hospitality management, I’ll guide you in implementing operational best practices, as well as looking at what other team members and resources will be needed from an execution standpoint.

Month 3: Activation


  • End-to-End Process Review: Over the previous two months, we’ll have covered a tremendous amount of ground, and it’s likely you’ll already be moving the needle in multiple aspects of your project. In month 3, we’ll put a bow on a complete package and strategy so you can move confidently into the next steps like master planning, architecture review, and fund-raising. We’ll stress-test decision-making to further ensure that we’ve put together a plan that feels both powerful, and achievable.
  • Risk Mitigation: Make no mistake; any project that's worth pursuing will be accompanied by risk. This is true in most aspects of life. That being said, through our work together, we’ll get ahead of the most common risks that often throw a wrench in a land project in Costa Rica. Things like time delays, budget overage, zoning challenges, and utilities (water, electricity, etc). There’s never a “perfect plan”, but you will walk away from this engagement knowing that you’ve done everything in your power to give yourself the best chance of avoiding the most common pitfalls (and a few less common ones that are almost always overlooked).

  • Polish Presentation Decks: You’ll have been working on your presentation decks, throughout the engagement, but by now, you’ll have an almost “complete” product ready for sharing. Together we’ll do a final review, and ensure that your assets are ready for sharing.
  • Masterplanning and Architecture Review: This deserves its own focus session, ensuring that you have a thorough and complete understanding of how this typically works in Costa Rica. I can also make strong recommendations to a variety of architects throughout the country that would be best suited to the particulars of your project.
  • The Black Book Experience: At the culmination of our engagement, and sooner on an “as-needed” basis, you’ll receive lifetime access to my full network of trusted advisors and resources to help accelerate your project. I’ve spent years vetting only the best partners to support my clients in areas including, but not limited to, accounting, tax law, residency, creating corporations, realtors, banking, property management, and many other things that people often don’t think of because they are so accustomed to things being “easy” in the United States, or elsewhere. Rest assured, you’ll have the full hookup to ensure that you can stay focused on the big wins.
"Edward knows his stuff. He genially cares about people and follows it up with supportive action. I would not have been able to progress without him. His foundation is a comprehensive knowledge of development and how to get it done safely while minimizing risk."
Michal Wade
"I was able to attain a truly up-to-date understanding of the real estate dynamic in coastal areas that I have known for over 25 years. Ed goes several steps beyond what most of the region's lawyers and brokers can or will achieve in a comprehensive development process"
Gabriel Saragovia, founder of Río Perdido Hotel & Thermal River

"I know that my land partner and I would have already made costly mistakes just by knowing some of the items that were suggested we do to our land that is completely out of order and downright damaging to our land when seeing the bigger picture. You can let go of the reigns, of the stress if the right process is taking place, let go of wondering if you have vetted vendors working for you, and release thoughts of “am I getting screwed over in pricing with vendors.” Ed has all the kinks already worked out. By hiring Ed, you’re already saving…saving money, time and stress."

Jennifer Abbott

Ready to Bring Your Land Project to Life in Costa Rica?

Let’s partner up to help you achieve clarity on a powerful vision for your project that will be sustainable, profitable, and create impact for years to come.

The Live the Possibility Land Accelerator™ has been created to provide you with an action-based path and a step-by-step strategic action place to set yourself up for success as you declare your commitment to bringing your project to life.

Questions That May Be On Your Mind About The Land Accelerator™

1. Are results guaranteed?

The Land Accelerator™ offers what we like to think of as a 300% guarantee. The training methods I will share during our time together work 100% of the time, for 100% of my clients, who apply what is offered 100% of the time. This is a personal journey, and everyone will be applying these teaching and training methods at their own pace. We are here to support you at every step along the way to ensure this is the absolute best investment you make for yourself in 2023 and beyond.​

2. How do I sign up?

I want to make sure that we are a good fit for each other, so I am booking calls with everyone who wants to join. Just hit the "Book a Call" button, and you'll be brought to a calendar where you can choose a time that works for you to get on the phone directly with me, where you can introduce yourself and share more about your project!​​

3. Is this a 1-1 coaching arrangement, or a group program?

Currently, you’ll be working with me directly over the course of 90 days. We’ll typically meet 3-4 times a month, and you’ll have direct access to me between our strategy calls via WhatsApp and Email for things that might come up.

​4. I’m worried I don’t have the time to invest in this — I’m already busy!

I believe you’re likely to be one of the busiest people around. My clients usually are, although they are often working to change that :)

This busyness won’t shift unless we consciously commit to shifting it. That can start with committing to the Land Accelerator™. Instead of asking if you have enough time for this … ask if what you want to create in the world, and who you want to be, is worth it. Book a call with me, and I can help you make a shift in your relationship with time, as we find an easeful, yet effective flow that supports bringing your project to life.

5. Is this one of those programs that will take months to get through before kinda / maybe / sort of seeing a result?

The Land Accelerator™ is designed to meet you where you are and help you take action on the “next best step” towards achieving clarity on your project, developing a strategic plan, and building a supportive team to bring it to life.

This will be your springboard to progress.

I’ve intentionally created this program to be accessible and to meet you where you are.

While it's true that it’s highly unlikely you’ll be seeing your project through to completion in just 90 days …

The first “OH WOW” moments can start within hours of signing up, as you begin the deep dive reflection process that all clients start this journey with.

In fact, I believe there are immediate wins available to you just by getting the process started, and bringing voice to your intentions when we connect soon on our exploration call.

I’m very confident that by the end of our 90-day engagement, if you follow through on the guidance and action steps that are suggested, your project will be in a very different place than when you started, and you’ll be moving forward powerfully, and with ease.

The Live the Possibility Land Accelerator™ will be a portal to complete clarity, a strategic execution plan, and sustainable impact if:

You are looking to buy, build, or create in Costa Rica:

You may have resistance, but it’s been your dream for as long as you can remember to buy land in Costa Rica, or create a community or retreat center.

You may feel shaky about your ability to bring this vision to life.

You feel something shifting within you and know that now is the right time to invest your resources in making this happen.

One small change at a time, one doable step at a time.

You're ready, and you can't wait to get started with bringing your land project to life.

Your project is about more than just money:

While you would certainly acknowledge that profitability and financial sustainability play a big role in bringing a successful land project to life, what you are looking to create has a deeper meaning for you than simply the bottom line.

… Quality of Life

… Impact

… Commitment to the environment

… Legacy

These are just a few of the “whys” many of our clients give voice to during the Land Accelerator™.

You are willing to dive right in headfirst:

You may be just getting started in the ideation process, or it’s also quite possible you’ve already secured a land investment.

It’s also quite possible you’ve experienced some false starts, or failed attempts in the past, and yet you are still here, more committed than ever to get a different result this time.

Regardless of where you find yourself today, you acknowledge that you only have one life to live and that bringing this project to life is a part of your greater purpose, and fullest expression.

As such, you are feeling called to get started now, rather than waiting on a future“someday” that may never come.

And you are ready to do the work to make this happen.

This is a now thing.

Let’s co-create from a place of freedom, nature, adventure, and awe.

Each moment is limited, fleeting, and precious. Let’s not waste another one.

If not now, when?

Let’s live each moment, in love with life.